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Agrobs Mash Alpengrün 5 kg

18,95 €
5 kg (3,79 € / kg)

60€: -13% sur Horze & B Vertigo
120€:-18% sur Horze & B Vertigo

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pas d'indication Mash Agrobs Alpengrün 5 kg

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CEREAL FREE No artificial additives! The first cereal-free mash! Horse owners will find a wide range of mash products on the market in addition to conventional horse feeds. All of these are similar in that they contain bran and are not suitable as a daily feed. AGROBS now has an entirely new form of mash with a unique composition. AlpenGrün Mash contains Prenatura fibres which largely consist of the leaves and seeds of grasses and herbs that have been dried with warm air. These are high in natural vital substances including trace elements, vitamins, and secondary plant substances. Prenatura fibres also provide your horse with important highly digestible crude fibre with prebiotic properties to actively promotes gut health and the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. This reduces putrefactive and gas-forming bacteria in the large intestine. Linseed and psyllium provide mucilages which coat the mucosa in the stomach and gut with a protective film. This helps to maintain healthy, intact mucosa as well as assists in the regeneration of mucosa irritated by illness, medication, deworming treatment, or stress. Its unsaturated fatty acids also promote a healthy skin and coat. ALPENGRÜN MASH contains gently dried beetroot, carrot, apple, and parsnip for a delicious taste. Even finicky horses are happy to eat it without added molasses. ALPENGRÜN MASH also contains natural vital substances including secondary plant substances, vitamins, minerals, and highly digestible pectins for healthy gut flora. Dried rose hip peel is known for its vitamin C, an important immune system booster. ALPENGRÜN MASH also contains digestion-promoting fennel and caraway. With no cereals, bran or molasses, ALPENGRÜN MASH is also ideal for horses with sensitive metabolisms and can be used both as a daily feed or as a regimen after a bout of colic or during moulting! Areas of Use Healthy additional feed For regeneration and as build-up feed Appropriate for horses of all ages As proactive feed for horses with delicate digestive systems


  • Ne contient ni céréales ni son
  • Taux élevé de fibres brutes
  • Économique grâce à un rendement élevé
  • Favorise une digestion saine
  • Prébiotique
  • Riche en mucilages favorisant la digestion
  • Riche en substances vitales
  • Goût appétent
  • Pas de mélasse
  • Rapport optimal Ca:P de 2:1
  • Facile et rapide à préparer

Description technique:

Composition : Aliment composé pour chevaux, ingrédients : Prénatura-fibres*, granulés de graines de lin, fibres structurées Pré Alpin, levure de pomme, betterave, carottes, panais, mélange d'huiles pressées à froid (huile de lin, huile de caméline), psyllium, coquilles d'églantier (sans pépins), fenouil, carvi. Constituants analytiques : Protéines brutes 13,30%, protéines brutes digestibles précalcaires 8,80%, huiles et graisses brutes 5,70%, fibres brutes 21,50%, cendres brutes 7,5%, calcium 0,49%, phosphore 0,31%, magnésium 0,26%, chlorure 0,27%, sodium 0,09%, potassium 1,40%, soufre 0,21%, lysine 0,67%, méthionine 0. 28%, cystine 0,17%, thréonine 0,62%, zinc 29,00mg/kg, manganèse 99,00mg/kg, cuivre 9,30mg/kg, sélénium < 0,04mg/kg, amidon 3,40%, sucre 9,60%, fructane 5,3%, énergie digestible selon GfE 2003, 10,11 DE MJ/kg, énergie convertible selon GfE 2014 8,60 ME MJ/kg.

Code article: 333555
